We realize some of you don’t want or need all the features of Meeting Mapper 360. This is why released Meeting Mapper Basic, all the basic functionality you need to document all your meetings. Meeting Mapper 360 is perfect for Small and Medium but scalable for the largest businesses wanting a simple, useful, intuitive solution. Get in front of your competition, by leveraging all your interactions with your customers. Improve your teams performance, manage projects all within a single interface running 100% in the cloud.

Actionable Sales Intelligence
  • Gathers more data and information then any traditional method
  • Build reports and dashboards to fully understand which accounts are in jeopardy.
  • Review individual/team Qualification performance and capability (SPM).
  • Account relationships do not walk out the door with the Rep.
  • Determine best practices, lessons learned, competitive advantages, and strengths.
  • Identify and capture the hidden reasons why people don’t buy and sales don’t close.
  • Ensure every meeting has a purpose, stakeholders and their stances are known, and only winnable deal are pursued.
  • Reduces the complexity from traditional solutions with an easy to use and very intuitive interface (Sales teams up and running in 20 minutes)
Increasing Sales/Project/ Internal Teams Efficiency
  • Ensure projects are completed in time
  • Increase Sales team efficiency and Sales Rep adoption 50%.
  • Populates Salesforce with actionable intelligence gathered in Sales, Project and Internal meetings.
  • Improve Sales Qualification and Closure rates.
  • Protects your Accounts during account transition.
  • Create Next Steps and Action Items from the meeting
  • Provides meeting notes export in a formatted PDF file after the meeting (no additional formatting required)
Value at All Levels in Your Company
  • Consistent information for accurate revenue forecasts.
  • Sales Performance Metrics – Key Performance Indicators.
  • Director of Sales/Operations/Marketing/Product.
  • Consistent information for accurate revenue forecasts.
  • Team Mentoring.
  • On-boarding of new Reps.
  • Track ‘Real’ team activity.

